

Customer testimonials

Leadership development

"Mrs. Dressler has conducted several leadership training sessions for our company over the past two years. Her notable flexibility in adap(ng to the individual needs of par(cipants, whether in sales or technology, is worth emphasizing. Mrs. Dressler conveys the topics clearly and with prac(cal relevance. It is par(cularly important to us that the leaders are encouraged to engage in self-reflec(on during the training sessions, as this is the only way they can truly effect change and involve and develop employees. In line with this, Mrs. Dressler organizes study groups and offers open office hours, contribu(ng to addi(onal sustainability. We value the collabora(on and look forward to con(nuing to develop leaders together with Mrs. Dressler in the future.
(A. Boller; Facilitator for Employee Development)

Coaching and Consultation via Messenger Service or Voice Messages

"Longa Dressler has been supporting our company and me as a coach for quite some time. As a managing director and a young business successor, it is important to me to have a sparring partner by my side, even spontaneously or promptly. In the current times, there are many decisions, important changes, and challenging personnel situations. While I value live coaching and strategic reflections, it is necessary in the daily leadership routine to make quick decisions. It is all the more gratifying that Mrs. Dressler also offers short-term consultations via the messenger service. This allows me to ask a question or describe a situation in between, without having to schedule an appointment. The response comes promptly via the messenger service." (E. Vielhaber, Business Successor and Managing Director)

LEAD NOW! Lead Now!

"Since 2020, we have been working with Mrs. Dressler in the field of leadership development. When selecting a new agency, a modern yet down-to-earth approach was important to us. The Lead Now program, which includes 18 months of coaching, online modules, on-site events, and an online platform, is already successfully implemented in the third group by Mrs. Dressler. Due to the good collaboration and positive feedback from the participants, we look forward to further collaboration in 2023 and beyond."
(L. Schönhaus, HR Manager)


“To facilitate the Indian team to make a greater contribution in working with international groups Longa Dressler conducted a 'workcamp' in 2017 with all the members of the India IT in India.

Main topics:

  • Support of the IT- transformation
  • Current Projects: Coaching on the job
  • Future role: Strengthening the involvement of the team members in global teams
  • General “communication topics” for effective global and intercultural business interactions


  • Coaching
  • Workshops
  • Brainstorming- discussions
  • Consulting and training 
  • Impulse-lectures

One important leading idea was to have hierarchy- free sessions. Longa Dressler was the perfect partner for this kind of workcamp. She included everyone, provided a lot of information, feedback and new ideas. Tips were hands-on and practicable. We  highly recommend Long Dresslers´ workcamp to organizations and teams, who like an effective, interactive and agile approach. We want to thank Longa Dressler for her effort and dedication and look forward to a further cooperation.”
(R. Jose, Head of IT-India)

Human Resources and Organizational Development/Projects

“It is important to take intercultural aspects into account as our company cooperates closely with companies in other countries. Ms Dressler has proven herself to be a flexible leadership expert who manages to convey content and topics geared precisely to the target group and who always involves staff. We recommend Ms Dressler as a loyal and professional coach for companies in international contexts.”
(M Chudzik, member of the management team of a Polish food company)

“We have worked together as partners with Ms Dressler on many cross-departmental and cross-organisational topics for almost nine years.

I particularly appreciate her clear and empathic manner and her “hands-on mentality”. This makes Longa Dressler particularly good at training and improving people and facilitating difficult discussions.

A comprehensive organisational development action was started in 2018 following a company-wide employee survey. She was involved with the conceptual design and also facilitated the workshops and provided professional input. The purpose of these workshops was to elaborate suggestions for improvement from the employees to improve the workplace culture. After a short vote, she went on to moderate the workshops, in part on her own, on behalf of the company. Ms Dressler was always perfectly prepared for each different shift (early, late and night shift) to lead an intensive event for changing target groups to achieve sustainable outcomes with the groups. I am sure that the success of the project would not have been the same if it were not for her influence. Due to her all-round capabilities, I look forward to working with her on joint projects in 2019 and further into the future.
(S. Dahlmann, Personnel Officer)

“My goal was to plan a global and company-wide mentoring program that was also intended to include hierarchy-free networking of all employees (companionship).  Longa Dressler provided me with support for this as a sparring partner, reflected on new ideas – as well as their limits – and employed her enthusiasm and forward-looking approach to develop a vision and a strategy together with me.

Our cooperation enabled us to work out a concept for a new and novel course of action for the company and to work through the subject of diversity from a different perspective.  In just a few words, Longa Dressler and her work stands for:

innovation – a bold outlook for the future – inspiration – understanding – unfailing expertise

I would like to thank Longa Dressler and would be pleased to recommend her to companies and project managers who would like to implement future-orientated, novel and new ideas and are looking for an innovative sparring partner.”
(G. Heidemann, Manager of Change and Diversity, Human Resources)

“Since 2009 Longa Dressler has been supporting the company in the area of personnel and organisational development. She provides assistance to the management board and the management team in the area of Sales & Technical Development including:

  • Strategy consultancy
  • Leadership training modules for top management (global leadership)
  • Development coaching
  • Development of global processes
  • Top-level management staff presence

She supports residents of Europe and associated managers in workshops and coaching sessions:

  • Roles of the resident
  • Guidelines for residents
  • Information flow optimisation
  • Communication consulting for implementing the roles

Ms Dressler was quick to develop a keen insight into the roles and the respective challenges of the managerial staff. In addition she employed a very broad range of methods in all workshops and coaching sessions. What should be highlighted is the mixture of coaching, training, consultancy and workshop facilitation she employed. We will continue to work together with Ms Dressler as an external consultant.”
(T Klieve, HR development)

“Continuous optimisation, high quality standards, innovation and speed are important factors contributing to the success of a company. It is important to combine these overall concepts when working together with different company areas from production to technology or HR development. Ms Dressler has always taken this into consideration. This is one of the reasons that we will continue to request and employ her as an external consultant.”
(A Hölter, HR development department manager)

“The subject matters were:

  • Creation of a concept for an individual mentoring programme
  • Development and implementation of the programme
  • Conducting round tables, innovation presentations
  • Coaching offers for mentees
  • Advanced training offers for mentees (including collegial consultation training)
  • Evaluation and optimisation of the process
  • Know-how transfer to the project team members

The targeted agreement of all participants and the combination of project leadership and operative implementation of coaching and seminars was the type of good work that led to the success of this project. We would like to highlight the fact that Ms Dressler always strives to impart her knowledge to internal staff members.

The project was so successful that a company-wide, global implementation is now in planning.”

(M Schuster, programme sponsor)

“Longa Dressler has been supporting the company as an external consultant since 2009.”

  • Facilitation of workshops, team building, co-development of leadership guidelines and other personnel development concepts
  • Coaching and consultancy for managerial staff
  • Consultation for the management board and HR development division.

Ms Dressler was the contact person for both shift supervisors and project leaders as well as the management board. This requires skill in preparing content appropriate to the target groups, developing an understanding of the different groups of persons and cultures and acting with this in mind. We would recommend Ms Dressler to other companies as a skilled partner without reservation.”
(M Kapler, human resources manager)

“Longa Dressler provided intensive support for the Intercultural Cooperation project in India for three years, between 2012 and 2015. The content was:

  • Support in developing the Intercultural Cooperation competence centre
  • Strategic coaching and consultation of upper and middle management in India and middle management in Germany
  • Facilitation of workshops, team meetings and telephone conferences
  • Project-related cooperation with the staff members responsible for communication and HR in India and Germany.

Longa Dressler worked in a goal-orientated manner with the various international target groups. She took on responsibility for the project and implemented it to our full satisfaction.”
(S Bolte, training and communication management)

“Ms Dressler supported the company as an external consultant for the following subjects:

  • Creation of workplace descriptions
  • Development of team structures
  • Coaching
  • Company training
  • Establishing communication structures

Thanks to the support of Ms Dressler, the working atmosphere in the individual areas improved and the motivation and productivity of the employees was able to be increased. Ms Dressler performed excellent work and we would always request her services again as an external consultant.”
(T Busse, managing director)


“Ms Dressler supported the Innovation and Technology centre as an external consultant. The interactive one-day training session comprised the following subjects:

  • The reason why communication is so important for young companies
  • General rules of communication
  • Communication with contracting entities and contact with customers
  • Practical exercises

Ms Dressler conducted an excellent communication training session in spite of the high number of participants with diverse educational backgrounds and company goals. We were very satisfied with the way in which the content exactly matched the needs of our establishment.”
(T Seidl, managing director)


“Ms Longa Dressler developed an additional training session for conducting discussions for consultants. The project was extremely well planned and completely fulfilled our agreed goals. We would like to thank Ms Dressler and look forward to working with her again.”
(U Habelt, HR management project coordinator)

“The subject of consultation was a personnel selection procedure (Assessment Centre) for the position of personnel developer.

  • Creation of interview guidelines, observation sheets, role plays
  • Implementation of the observation training day

The content, which was targeted precisely to the needs of our company, and the very good work impressed all the participants. We would like to thank Ms Dressler for the cooperative work and look forward to working with her again.”
(U Meier, HR development)

“The following contents were a part of consultancy for potential for a third-generation vehicle technology company with a staff of 16:

  • Observation of workflows
  • Creation of workplace descriptions
  • Structuring of workflows and meetings
  • Team coaching
  • Individual coaching for the manging directors and managerial staff
  • Creation of an action plan

Ms Dressler worked with questionnaires, individual discussions, team facilitation and workshops. Furthermore, strategic targets were worked out in detail. Due to the fact that the cooperative work was always performed to our fullest satisfaction, we look forward to future joint projects.”
(W Guntermann, entrepreneur)


“The goal of coaching was to improve leadership skills.

  • Increase the managerial staff’s skills of self-reflection
  • Apply new leadership methods

The managerial staff fully attained the goals that they set themselves. Moreover, the team leader received positive feedback from his team that there had been a noticeable change. In summary, the coaching project can be evaluated as having been very successful. We already look forward to renewed cooperation in the future.”
(P Bannes, branch manager)


“Ms Dressler held a guest lecture within the scope of the series of seminars “Innovation Management” comprising the following content:

  • Advantages of team work
  • Structured team work as a success factor
  • Innovation through the right type of communication in teams

The presentation was rounded off by practical exercises with the entire audience participating.

We would like to thank Ms Dressler for her lively and inspiring presentation and look forward to working with her again.”
(T Seidel, university lecturer)



Coaching and leadership training at lanxess.  LANXESS is a leading speciality chemical group which is present on all the important markets of the world.

Gebr. Becker GmbH & Co.

Leadership training in a family run, personal business. The HR department is modern and exemplary.  Becker is an international leading manufacturer in the area of vacuum and compressed air technology. Becker has made a name for itself world-wide and in numerous application markets with its vacuum pumps, compressors and air supply systems as a component and system suppliers of mechanical and plant engineering.

Kirchhoff Automotive Deutschland GmbH

Top-Management Coaching in a modern family business. Ever since cars have existed, they have been producing and supplying metal parts, and for the vehicles of today, hybrid structures for the automotive industry. The single-part manufacturer has become an internationally recognized developer and supplier of modules and chassis structures. KIRCHHOFF Automotive provides vehicles worldwide with additional stability and safety.

Innogy SE

Interactive workshop at Innogy about the topic: Female leadership:


The GfK is Germany's largest market research institute, and the fourth largest market research organisation in the world.

International leadership training within the leadership development programme:

Municipality of Arnsberg

Interactivelectures and coaching seminars and the potential programme for women:

Kuchenmeister GmbH

Coaching and leadership training in a modern and innovative business. For over 125 years a family business with the slogan "Baking is our love." And a market leader in many fields. More about this innovative and lively cake and bakery specialists can be found here:

Dan Cake Polonia

Coaching, Training and leadership consulting of departement heads:

apetito AG

Leadership coaching Führungskräfte Coaching in a modern food sector company:

Bayer AG

Leadership Coaching and Moderation:

Caritas-Verband Arnsberg-Sundern e.V.

A great health care organization with modern ideas regarding their service.

Moderation of Workshops – especially lateral thinking:

Guntermann Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Here you will find the second generation business, a deal leadership with heart and mind. Ford-Service and new car agent as well as Bosch workshop and MAN representative – Guntermann Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH & Co.KG:


Konprotek is your strong automotive partner for design services, mechanical processing and series production. For more about the products and the creative designs of the managing director Uwe Seidel:

Mönig GmbH & Co. KG

MÖNIG GmbH & Co. KG, MÖNIG Logistik GmbH. A successful and innovative family business for over 50 years spanning two generations and now with three family directors. 
You can find the growing internationally-organised and operating shipping business under logistic companies under:

University of Bielefeld

Career coaching the wonderful students of the study courses ‘Health and Communication’ and ‘Public Health’:

A special customer testimonial

Strategy Workshop
"In order to strategically position the leadership team for all challenges and drive necessary innovations forward, we conducted a strategy workshop in 2020. After the very positive moderation experiences with Mrs. Dressler in the first workshop, we were even more delighted that Mrs. Dressler equally flexibly and professionally executed the second workshop in 2021, smoothly in a 'digital' format. The feedback from the participants was consistently positive even in this format. Regarding strategic topics, we will continue to rely on Mrs. Dressler as a moderator in the future, and another session in 2023 is already planned."
(Mayor of a city in North Rhine-Westphalia)