Longa Dressler
Agile Coach (Agile Coach GmbH)
Postgraduate studies in Mediation (Fern- Universität Hagen)
Intercultural communication and cooperation (MA, Munich University of Applied Science)
Topics include: Globalization, International human ressources, intercultural psychology and conflict prevention, India and USA.
Masterthesis: Empathy as an important key factor of intercultural competence - Empathy sensitization in executive Coachings
Licensed Coach Instructor (German Association for Coaching and Training, DVCT Hamburg)
Professional Coach (German Association for Coaching and Training, DVCT Hamburg) -Focus on Business Coaching
Qualified Scenario Manager / Systemic Constellations (Dr. Nelles)
Organizations and systems
Postgraduate Change Manager (Ruhr-University/DAA Bochum) -Human Resources and Organizational Management
Topics include: workplace law, business administration, organizational psychology, selection of personnel
Certified Social Pedagogue (University of Applied Science, Dortmund)
Topics include: legal science, social ethics, political science. Degree dissertation: Cognitive and Behavioral Modification
Licensed Sport Trainer License B and C (LandesSportBund, NRW Germany )
- B: prevention and stress management
- B: prevention, training for elderly people
- C: back-training
Further training:
Scrum Master (Serview)
Competencies for the Chinese-German cooperation
Training in Bejing (Bavarian University centre China)
Systemic constellations for companies and teams (Jan Jacob Stam)
- Member of the Advisory Council for companies, placed through the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Arnsberg
- Start2grow- Coach and Mentor at a Startup Competition
Leading ideas
Longa Dressler has been collaborating with groups and individuals since her early years, initially in voluntary service, youth work, and social counseling at youth welfare offices. Her journey continued through coaching adults and advising startups and small businesses.
This journey has honed her ability to swiftly and interactively engage diverse individuals in a targeted manner. Today, her primary focus is on working with leaders and companies in global contexts. Longa Dressler looks towards the achievable, the future, potentials, and exciting ideas. She consistently acquires new knowledge from various industries and fields.
Methodically, with 25 years of experience in group work, coaching, moderation, and leadership consulting, there's scarcely anything she hasn't encountered or implemented.
Additional guiding principles important to Longa Dressler include clarity, connecting and balancing interests, employing LEAN and SYSTEMIC approaches. However, the paramount guideline is to practically convey democratic values. As an impulse generator, Longa Dressler ensures to connect people and ideas across generations and hierarchies, fostering inclusivity and successfully bringing diverse and intercultural potentials to light.
Ethical Guidelines
Longa Dressler follows three important guidelines from her original professions:
Mediation: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/mediationsg/BJNR157710012.html
Ethic in Coaching: https://www.dvct.de/verband/ethik
Social Pedagogical Professons: https://www.dbsh.de/profession/berufsethik.html
Jan Oberdieck: Mediation and Conflict Management, www.jan-oberdieck.de
Regina Stachna: Next Level HR – covers areas such as career, recruiting, and HR consulting, www.reginastachna.de
Oliver Piller: Mental health in the workplace, www.aomh.de
Maria Köhne: Mindfulness training and break culture in companies, www.maria-koehne.de
Maria Boskamp: Movement and health coaching, sports therapy, and coaching for individuals. BodyStrengthTrust, www.mariaboskamp.de
In addition, Longa Dressler is a partner of the Lernraumakademie and is particularly available for international and intercultural leadership training and moderation. Learn more about the LERNRAUMAKADEMIE here: www.lernraum-akademie.de/
Short Vita
Intercultural Communication and Collaboration (MA Hochschule München), Mediator (FernUni Hagen), Licensed Professional Coach (DVCT), Trained Organizational Systemic Constellation Facilitator and State-recognized Social Pedagogue (FH Dortmund). Additionally, certified Agile Coach and Scrum Master and Sports Trainer.
Self-employed for 20 years, with a total of 25 years of consulting experience in both domestic and international contexts as a facilitator, coach, project support, and ideas catalyst.
Key Principles:
Break down hierarchies where possible, actively putting democratic values into practice. Enhance leadership effectiveness and exemplification. Workshops and facilitation are designed to carve out space for developing clarity, generating ideas, setting goals, and nurturing a sense of conviction and courage.